巧妙绝伦 :八字算命:风水师必须熟记的基本术语

时间:2023-08-25 作者:免费算命网 来源:网络收集


1、形煞:形体可见、可追溯的煞气,如:鸡口煞、反弓煞、穿心煞等; 屋外的十字路口、天桥、怪石、树木、道路等。




5、离煞:理气之邪,如飞星二重、五重、三七同视等; 又如灯泡的奇偶数、鱼的数量等;

6、色煞:家中黑色过多则阴气过多,红色过多则精神紧张。 而且门与门的色彩也有相生、相克的关系。 更重要的是,一定要与房主要求的颜色相搭配。







滚煞:这是无形的气。 所谓“一路一枪”,就是对着屋门有一条又直又长的走廊。 它也在向自己冲来。


天斩沙:两栋建筑距离很近,导致两栋建筑之间的间隙相当窄。 远远望去,这座建筑就好像被一把从天而降的利斧劈断,分成两半。

令人心碎:在一些建筑物的下面,修建了地下铁路或隧道。 穿过楼下才是罪魁祸首。 用丁字路来比喻,丁字路的左右两侧都有建筑物,路的尽头也有建筑物。 气流沿着丁字路一直到丁字路的尽头。

连震煞:一般风水讲究背后有支撑,但如果所倚靠的山不是名山,而是一座岩石嶙峋、无草的贫山,风水中就称为连震煞。 。




鸡嘴煞:比如A家的窗户隔着一条马路,正对着一栋大楼的一角。 建筑物附近的风很大。 当风从建筑物后面吹时,气流沿着建筑物的角落流动。 门的方向直接穿过A家的窗户,因此形成一个形状,鸡嘴因其形状尖锐而得名。




刃冲:这种在客厅比较常见。 例如,如果在入口处制作一个厚度约为10厘米的玄关,那么玄关的侧面就是刀片冲孔。





下基础:墙基挖好后玄空大卦最高级 风水算命综合,铺设第一块基石的时间在吉国称为“下基础”。




进火:一般指进入房屋。 古代有一套进火的仪式,这种习俗在小城镇和农村至今仍然存在。



参与度: 参与度









开沟、过井:修建下水道、沟渠; 过井就是挖井。








勘宇:勘,土地之意,代表“地形”二字; 喻,“成语”是研究地形地貌的学问,重在对地貌的描写。 《史记》平行风水与五行。 原意是仰望天空,俯视山河水利。 后人把它作为读风水的人的专用名称:“干舆”,所以“干舆”民间也称“干舆”。 然而,可以说,《观鱼》不仅仅看风水,而应该分为五个部分,即:落落、日克、悬空穴、埋法、行甲。




三阳开泰:在阴阳学说中,十月为坤卦。 纯阴之象。 十一月为伏卦,下生一阳。 十二月为临卦,尔阳生于夏。 正月为太卦,三日生于下。 冬去春来,阴消阳生,有吉祥昌盛之象,故称三阳开泰。

五势:风水学将连绵不断的山势分为五种。 黄妙英《博山篇》云:“龙从北向南行,是正势;龙西行北向南,洞向南,是横势。龙逆水而行,水上行下,顺势龙身回望祖山,此为归势。



母山:洞后雄伟的山峰。 厥云:“问王谁为父,洞后有高山,前后相依,互不相抑,子孙不枉归。”

少祖山:洞附近的山。 爵云:“近穴名少足山,此山最吉祥,展翅为吉祥,渺小孤寂,则省力气。”


水口沙:水口两侧的山。 如果水口没有沙子,水就会直流出来,这是不吉利的。 水口应有密山,如纵横交错,群鹤聚集,重叠绕行数十里,乃吉祥。 如果有华表、寒门、指南针、北辰就更好了。 这样的地形表现出水深情地流淌,步步回头,不肯离去。


顶梁压力:指床身上方的梁。 躺在床上的时候,看起来就像是横梁压在身上。 这会对身体不利,不仅从心理上看巧妙绝伦 :八字算命:风水师必须熟记的基本术语,从现代物理学上看也是如此。 光束的屏障无法穿过,跟随光束的人就直冲而下。 人在睡觉的时候,自身的卫气储存在里面,更容易受到外邪的侵袭(也就是容易着凉)。 就好像风扇直接对着人体吹一样。 如果长时间被吹,人还会出现瘫痪等异常现象。


风水术语。 包括“六内务”和“六外务”。 “内六物”是门、灶、井、厕所、磨坊(包括仓库)、畜栏; “外六物”是路、池、桥、寺、塔。

艺人认为,内外六事的方位与人口的命运密切相关,其中门的地位最为重要。 清人的《阳宅十书》、《阳宅经族》、《阳宅回心记》、《阳宅绝》等技术书籍认为,门是房屋的口,门的方向对了,房子就会趋吉避凶,所谓“地理修行,皆靠门之风路,上接气象,下收土气,引层吉凶”。逐层”(《阳宅经传》卷二),其重要性几乎与房屋同等,必须开在屋内。 吉尔吉斯斯坦。 门的种类有很多种,有正门、中门、正门、房门、侧门等。

大门是房屋的外门,是地上生活的总出入口。 其关系的好坏,对人口的命运最为重要; 一般来说,房子小的话,大门就是重点。 如果房子面积大,大门的吉凶影响又比较远,就要慎重选择大门。 打开。 至于中门,则位于门内、殿外。 只有在没有门的时候,才把它当门来用才重要。 侧门是左右柴水进出的小门。 虽关系不大,但应开在吉祥方,以助宅吉祥。 门的吉祥侧面通常是由又年八星的飞布与阴阳五行的协调来决定的。


六内务中巧妙绝伦 :八字算命:风水师必须熟记的基本术语,灶的地位仅次于宅门。 艺术家认为炉灶位置不当会给家庭主妇带来不幸,逐渐影响老人和小孩。 除了通过星飞布和阴阳五行来确定炉灶的方向外,还有用炉头的方法,但一般只涉及炉灶在屋内的位置和形状。 比如,屋前不宜装炉灶,否则主人会生病,子孙也会不争气;


至于水井则宜开在房屋的七七方、延年方,或紫白九星中水星、木星飞过的地方(由房屋星坐山入中而定)宫与飞布),否则主饮酒顽疾,人口早亡。 还说要开在对坊,否则主人的女儿会乱来的; 不宜开在厅堂前,尤其不宜正对大门,否则会引起心痛、眼病。 。


马桶应放置在房主一生四煞的方位,以镇煞。 其位置应隐蔽,不宜正对灶门。



畜栏的位置取决于牲畜的五要素。 比如牛属坤土,忌木星飞过的地方; 另外,畜栏不宜设置为大门,也不宜设置在大门周围,否则人力资源和财富的流失会影响瘟疫皇帝。



例如,门前的道路若远而宽,则人口健康,若远而窄,则人阴郁; 道路呈“之”字形。 如果说“八”字是主屋出入,“井”字是主人在外自缢身亡,“川”字是主人被盗归还,“井”字是主人自缢身亡,“川”字是主人被盗归还,“井”字是主人自缢身亡。火”表示灾难来临,“鼎”字形,鼎主衰败,“一”字形,主人贫穷,衣食无着。


屋前的池塘用来招财玄空大卦最高级 风水算命综合,屋后的池塘用来害妻儿; 形状宜为半月形或弧形,切忌方形,否则就是“照镜子的血盆大口”,应遭灭绝的诅咒。 又称双池,因为与“哭”字一样,有损吉祥。


其他如桥梁、寺庙、佛塔等,不宜与家门相对,否则会出现遇难冲破的凶象。 以上禁忌都是笼统的说法,美术书籍中的记载十分复杂繁琐,而且不同流派、方法之间也有差异,很难全部记录下来。


太岁:又名太岁星君,太岁就是天上的木星,因为木星每十二个月移动一次,所以古人称木星岁星或太岁; 太岁又称太岁星君,或岁君,它既是一颗星,又是一个受人们崇拜的神灵。




武黄:武黄就是“武黄连真星”,又名连真星。 五行属于风水学派。 洛书配上九颗星,就可以变成九个宫殿。 根据其运作和排列,形成不同的组合。 第五颗星是“无黄连真星”玄空大卦最高级 风水算命综合,是九颗星中唯一的隐藏星

这颗星辰所带来的凶猛程度,比三煞和太岁还要大数倍。 所飞之处,若有动象(如开门、动土、钻孔、拆墙等),就会使家宅的运势由旺转衰,由吉转凶,从而产生对居住在房屋内的人的健康造成很大的负面影响,尤其会带来血腥的灾难


又称“二十四路”。 宝石学家将房屋和墓地周围的二十四个方位分别用子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥十二地支和甲代表。 、乙、丙、丁、庚、辛、壬、癸,用八卦中的八天干(不使用午、己)和干、艮、坤、巽四卦来表示。 其中,子指北方,戊指引导,卯指东方,酉指西方,干指西北,艮指东北,坤指西南,巽指东南,而其他的茎和枝则代表特定的方向,每个方向正好相隔十五度。

唐代卜则威《学心赋》:“二十四山,山名太繁。” 又云:“山分八卦。” 注:“以一卦主三山,如干治徐前海,坎治人子归,艮官丑根印,镇官甲卯乙,巡官陈巡巳,离官兵事鼎,坤官未坤”沉,对观更有心。合起来就是二十四山。”


据《皇极经世书》记载,甲子六十年一元,六十年一元就是大运会。 宝石学家用它来判断地气的盛衰。


也就是指南针上的指针。 因指针有指子、午(南北)之分,故而得名。 卜泽伟《学心赋》:“立辨方,以经针为正”。


又称“内阳”。 宝石学家称其为穴位正面平坦开阔、水气聚集、沟通的地方。 根据距腧穴的远近,可分为小明堂、中明堂(内明堂)、大明堂(外明堂)。 廖《让秘》。《明堂入体歌》:明堂气聚则怪,不聚则不宜,穴前凡平处,皆为明堂位。...明堂四面照耀,宽敞才好。《木兮》葬经翼。《明堂篇》:“明堂为穴前水聚之处。”徐善济氏“人子的知识。 《水法》:“明堂欲正而开,合而抱之。” 同书《穴法》:“若明堂不正,不聚,倒向侧面,则说明真气不和,纵有美丽穴道,亦须舍弃。”


是风水两大流派之一,“江西派”所强调的“乱体”理论。 鸾身以龙沙洞水为四大网,主要用于占卜、丈量墓葬,其次是阳吉的选择。 清代丁锐《风水解惑》:“风水之术,一般不从形势、方位来。讲形势者,今曰乱体,讲方位者,今曰理气”。唐宋诗人各有流派。”《四库全书总目》。《葬书概要》引明王《青岩丛录》:“择葬之地之法,以晋国璞为基础……后人以此为法。 江西之法,受杨俊松、曾文、赖大猷、谢子仪之启发,尤善学。 它是关于主要情况,从哪里开始,从哪里结束。 特指龙穴的沙和水。 兼容性、其他刚性无关紧要。 大江之南,无不不敬之人。”

这是“闽派”所强调的理论。 乱体之法与风水两派。 始创于福建,用秦汉时的“五姓图斋”来讨论五行吉凶,在南方并不流行。 其功法致力于阴阳结合、生死。 罗盘用来确定阴阳的空间方位,取八卦五行。 飞星转动布料,决定人生的吉凶。 即根据当年的运势以及房屋和坟墓的位置来计算主人命运的时间和空间因素。 ,测量的最佳选择。 理气之法以《易经》为原理,以八卦、十二支、天星、五行为四大网,比鸾体山河专着更抽象。

明清以后,艺术家趋于“头为体,气为用”,两派逐渐融合。 但在实际应用中,调气的方法主要集中在建造房屋上。


宝石学家表示,穴位周围有紧密的形状,可以保护穴位,防止其受到外风侵袭而消散“元气”。 郭璞《葬经》:“风水之法,先得水,后藏风”。


指尖前的水汇聚成沼泽。 宝石学家说,主发怒,积聚多,是吉祥、尊贵的征兆。 徐善济《人子笔记》水法:“洞前之水,最宜深聚,盖水之自然动,美在于静,聚则静,故其珍贵。” 苗希勇《埋藏经翼》。 《难解二十四章》:“《经》云“朱雀……光泽将衰”。 字欲出,必先聚光彩,然后才会有积累。”

风水中的“龙”也指山。 因山势蜿蜒起伏,如一条巨龙而得名。 廖《让秘》。《寻龙入体歌》:“重浊既然集中于地,便有高低之势。 势的盛衰即行踪,前圣谓之“龙”。 只不过是无为,动则为动。 成龙之山,会跳跃、舞蹈,但若坚硬扼杀,则不会融合。”

又称“沙头”。 宝石学家对龙洞周围及其周围山脉的总称。 古代用沙堆传授寻龙穴的方法,故名。 徐善济《人子笔记》。《沙法》:“伏沙,洞前山、后山、左山、右山……前朝、后乐、坐龙、幽虎、罗城、侍卫、水口山、夫官、鬼、鸟、瑶,皆谓沙。”辽《让秘》。 《排沙成风歌》:“真龙降四山而聚,亦有其名。古圣何以称其为沙?于历曰贫。杨、曾教人有本性,五九从沙中来。拨,尹子的名著《拨沙经》。

那就是“龙洞”。 宝石学家认为,土壤中的气脉聚集在一起。 或进入凹陷,或进入突出。 据说“点”最有生命力,适合立坟建房。 苗希庸《葬经翼》。《茶行篇》:“穴位,山川,阴阳交错,凝结,情爱之地。”同书《奇穴》:“穴位,主为储藏。 。 当盖子被收集时,精华和能量就会聚集。 温而无风,温而无水,无风而无蚁,三害不侵,则穴而得。”徐善济在《人子》上卷中说:“穴者就像人体的穴位一样,意义就是本质。 ”

又称“外气”。 与“龙”、“沙”、“洞”并称为相地术的四大内容。 宝石学家认为,水为气之母,气因水而运,因水而止。 寻龙寻穴,需要根据水流的有无、大小、方向、形状等进行判断和验证。 水势若聚深而适度,则为吉;若水势汹涌,则为凶。 郭氏《葬经》:“风水之法,先得水,其次得藏风”。 ”:“两水之间必有一座山,所以水遇则龙止,水遇则龙止,水飞则元气尽,水融则元气尽。浇则内气聚。”徐善济《人子必知》。 《水法》:“水深的人富,水浅的人穷,水里的人密,水里的人散。”

卡纳达语术语。 指房屋或坟墓的坐向,与龙、沙、洞、水并称为相地术五大项。 艺人们认为,最好的坐姿是背山面朝南,可以避邪迎吉。 定向既需要观察地形,又需要指南针测量,地形定向是前提。

体现在命盘上,无论山势星象是从山向方向还是从山向水,其吉凶都要根据实际地形来判断。 ,或者坐山临水,头顶山,还是不适合用。

由于自然景观往往不尽如人意,艺术家常常采用替代方法来解决问题。 俗话说巧妙绝伦 :八字算命:风水师必须熟记的基本术语,山的方位依山而定,随水而变。 这是由现场测量的。 如果山龙来自子房,中午有水,就用子山的中午方位。 是最理想的风水之地。 。 但如果水不在戊面而在丙面,则用任山病方向来停气,以此类推。


宝石学家利用占星九星术来解释端宅墓空间方位的吉凶。 堪舆九星的名字与艺书中的记载颇不相符。 属性与星明甲九颗紫白星相同(一颗白色水星,两颗黑色土星,三颗蓝色木星,四颗绿色木星,五颗黄色土星,六颗白金星,七颗红色金星,八颗白色土星,九颗白色土星)。紫色火星)。

所谓“宫”,就是指九宫方阵。 艺人将干宫、坎宫、根宫、真宫、循宫、离宫、昆宫、兑宫、中宫的名字贴在中宫之上。 于一干六、兑七、艮八、离九、坎一、坤二、震三、巽四、钟五依次飞向九宫,位置会随着年月日不断变化。时间,值为紫色。 ,白色为吉祥,青、青、黄、黑为凶。 吉姆运气的好坏决定了地位与吉凶的关系。 星星不仅有自己的吉凶之分,而且随着罗盘的转动,也能分辨出顺时和失序时的吉凶。 艺术家认为九颗星各有其盛、生、衰、死。 福者昌,生者未来,逝者衰,久者死。 九星的生旺衰亡,首先用来衡量九运各方向的吉凶,其次用来确定山星与飞向同宫的对星的关系。 。 这些关系有的基于卦象,有的基于五行的生成与克制,有的基于河图先天数与洛书后天数的结合。 财富中任何可用的星星都是及时的,否则就是错误的。

艺术家们利用九星法则来判断九运各个地形方位的吉凶,为房屋、坟墓的建造提供了各种趋吉避凶的方法。 The direction where the star flies to the head, such as the house and tomb in the noon direction of Zishan, the doorway or the drainage ditch should be in the far side where the star flies, the second movement should be in the Gen side where the second black flies, and the third movement should be Dui Fang who flew to Sanbi.

Each mountain direction of the Nine Fortunes has its own star pattern, which is different for good and bad. For the same mountain direction, it is auspicious in a certain luck, but in other luck, a star of death may fly and turn into a bad luck. "Ten Books of Yang Zhai" 2 "On the Fourth of Nine Stars in the Palace": "The year of Dayou is not only the orientation, but also the number of floors. Although the orientation is auspicious, but among the floors, if the one that is suitable for higher is lower, and the one that is suitable for lower is higher, then The evil is always evil, and the good will turn into evil. This must be discussed urgently.... If there is a wall partition in the house, and there is a door between the walls, the nine stars should start from here, and it has nothing to do with other courtyards And if the gate is at Sunda, and the two gates are at Li, then Younian and Chuangong both start from Li. Younian counts from six to five, Jue, Yan, Huo, Sheng, Tian, ​​and Chuangong means Limen four. Gold, the first floor of the house belongs to the six evil spirits, and the second floor belongs to the greedy wolf, which has nothing to do with the outside of the two doors, and the rest follow this. Therefore, within a house, each house is divided into different courtyards, each with its own good or bad luck. In the law of this house The first important secret..... For those who have one to ten floors of houses, they must use the method of building through the house, such as the first layer of water, the second layer of wood, the third layer of fire, the fourth layer of soil, and the fifth layer of gold. The five elements are mutually restrained. Repeatedly, it is born layer by layer. The auspicious star should be tall and the inauspicious star should be low and small. Do not use the inauspicious star as a high house and the auspicious star as a low house. In case of an inauspicious star house, it is necessary to use the seat urgently to live by cutting off the road and dividing the house. 是的。 If the auspicious star is in the evil side, it should not be tall, the wood is in the union side, the earth side and the middle palace, and the metal is in the fire side, etc."

Xunlong Dianxue: A geomantic term. It is said that learning this thing can be used to survey the specific location and depth of ancient tombs. "Dragon" refers to the underground geomantic veins originating from Kunlun. Fengshui Treasure Cave. "Looking for the dragon point" is to find the tombs of ancient emperors and generals according to the trend of Fengshui. Because the higher the status in ancient times, the more attention is paid to the Fengshui problem of the tomb. It is said that a good location of the tomb can bless future generations with prosperity and wealth. , On the contrary, if it is built on a fierce land, there is a possibility of prodigal family death.

Compass: The compass is the operating tool of Liqi School. It is mainly composed of a magnetic needle located in the center of the disk and a series of concentric circles. Each circle represents the ancient Chinese's understanding of a certain level of information in the large system of the universe.

The ancient Chinese believed that the aura of man is controlled by the aura of the universe, that harmony between man and the universe is auspicious, and disharmony between man and the universe is evil. Therefore, based on experience, they put information at all levels in the universe, such as the stars in the sky, everything on the earth represented by the five behaviors, the heavenly stems and earthly branches, etc., all on the compass. Feng Shui masters use the rotation of a magnetic needle to find the most suitable position or time for a specific person or specific event.

The basic theory of Tai Chi transforming into Eight Diagrams: Wuji produces Tai Chi, Tai Chi produces Liangyi, Liangyi produces Sixiang, Sixiang produces Bagua, and Bagua produces sixty-four hexagrams

Five Elements: Refers to the five material movements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Ancient Chinese thinkers used the theory of five elements to explain the formation of all things in the world and their interrelationships.

Twenty-eight constellations, also known as twenty-eight houses or twenty-eight stars, divide the stars in the southern middle sky into twenty-eight groups, and they are distributed along the ecliptic or celestial equator (the earth's equator extends to the sky). Stars, it is divided into four groups, also known as Sixiang, Sishou, Siwei, Sifangshen, each group has seven stars, its origin is not yet fully understood.

At first, the ancients chose 28 stars to compare the movements of the sun, moon, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and used them as marks for observation. The meaning of "Su" is similar to the "house" of the zodiac, which means the sign of the constellation. Indicates the position of the sun, moon and five stars. In the Tang Dynasty, the twenty-eight constellations became the main body of the twenty-eight heavenly regions, and these heavenly regions were still named after the twenty-eight constellations, which was different from the situation in Sanyuan.

The twenty-eight mansions start from Spica and are arranged from west to east, in the same direction as the sun and moon as they move:

The east is called Qinglong: horned wood jiaokang golden dragon di earth raccoon house sun rabbit heart moon fox tail fire tiger pan water leopard;

The south is called Suzaku: Jingmu, ghost, golden sheep, willow, earth deer, star, sun, horse, Zhangyue, deer wings, fire snake, water worm;

In the West, it is called White Tiger: Kui Mu Wolf, Lou Jin, Dog Stomach, Earth Pheasant, Pleiades, Sun Chicken, Bi Yue, Black Chi, Fire Monkey, Ginseng, Water Ape;

The north is called Xuanwu: Dou Muxie Ox Taurus Female Earth Bat Void Sun Rat Dangerous Moon Swallow Room Fire Pig Wall Water Xie.

(The combination of turtle and snake is called Xuanwu)

十天干:甲、乙、丙、丁、午、己、庚、辛、壬、癸(guǐ); Twelve Earthly Branches: Zi (zǐ), Chou (chǒu), Yin (yín), Mao (mǎo), Chen (chén), Si (sì), Wu (wǔ), Wei (wèi), Shen (shēn) ), unitary (yǒu), xu (xū), hai (hài) (Note: The twelve earthly branches correspond to the twelve zodiac signs - son: rat; ugly: cow; Yin: tiger; Mao: rabbit; Chen: dragon; Si: Snake; Wu: horse; Wei: sheep; Shen: monkey; You: chicken; Xu: dog; Hai: pig.). The ten stems and the twelve branches are matched in turn to form sixty basic units. The ancients used this as the serial number of the year, month, day, and hour, which is called "the method of the stem and branch".

The two cooperate with each other in a fixed order to form the Ganzhi discipline method.

Eight Diagrams: Also known as "Jing Gua". 《易经》中的八个基本图形,用“一”和“——”来象征,每个卦由三行组成; “一”为阳,“——”为阴。 干、坤、震、巽、坎、离、艮、兑、八卦。 (Note: Due to limited conditions, the names and symbols cannot be completed.) The sixty-four hexagrams in "Book of Changes" are all composed of two phases of eight hexagrams. 八卦起源于原始宗教的占卜。 《易传》作者认为,八卦主要象征天、地、雷、风、水、火、山、湖八种自然现象,每个字母象征很多事物。 “八卦”占有特别重要的地位,是自然界和人类社会一切现象的原始根源。

Eryi: Refers to Yin and Yang Three Talents: Heaven, Earth, and Human Four Elephants: Refers to Taiyin, Shaoyin, Shaoyang, and Sun Transformation Stars: Jumen, Pojun, Wuqu, and Tanlang. The method of transforming qi, Kangong, Renzi, Guisan Mountain, Renhua into two black giant gates, Zihua into Sanbi Lucun, Guihua into a white greedy wolf, which happens to be one, two and three; Li Palace is opposite to it, Binghua is Pojun Qichi, Wuhua became Zuofu Babai, and Dinghua became Youbi Jiuzi, which happened to be Qibajiu. In the same way, Wei Kun Shen in Kun Palace is transformed into one two three, and Ugly Gen Yin in Gen Palace is transformed into Seven Eight Nine. Gengyouxin in Duigong is transformed into seven or eighty-nine, while Jiamaoyi in Zhengong is transformed into one, two, three. The second palace of Qianxun is the gate of heaven and earth, and it is dominated by the three hexagrams of four, five and six. Because the middle five has no positioning, it is only relative to four and six. This is the method of the three kinds of gasification.

Six evil spirits:

Eight house feng shui auspicious and unlucky auras can be divided into big auspicious second auspicious and slightly auspicious according to degree. Zhen Pojun Liusha Division in charge of adultery and money suicide scandal cheated and hanged himself

Five subjects of geography: looking for dragons, inspecting sand, acupuncture points, observing water, and orientation

Yang Zhai Feng Shui

When choosing a feng shui for a stranger's residence or office building, in addition to the house, the selection elements that need to be paid attention to include the street outside the house and drainage, door positions, moving lines inside the house, placement of gods, the location of the kitchen stove, Office seating and more.


The choice of geomantic omen based on the burial place of the deceased relatives generally includes the direction of the mountains (Lailong), the direction of water flow, acupuncture points, the depth of the coffin, etc.

Five yellow positions: The most important position in the traditional geomancy theory has always been the "five yellow positions" in the center. The so-called five yellow positions are also called five ghosts. Every year, some temples worship the five ghosts for the safety of domestic animals. In fact, the real power of the five ghosts refers to the central position of a room; if we draw three lines on the top, bottom, left, and right sides of a square room, and divide the house into nine grids on average, the grid in the middle is the five ghosts. 方向。 Just because the five ghosts are powerful earth evil spirits, there are rumors that the five ghosts can no longer be placed with some energy decorations that stimulate the evil spirits. Otherwise, once these foul smells arouse the energy of the five ghosts, it may affect the good luck of the occupants of this house. So this is why the toilet cannot be built in the middle of the house.

Qi: It is a very common and important concept in Feng Shui. There are vitality, death energy, yang energy, yin energy, earth energy, earth energy, Cheng energy, gathering energy, receiving energy, energy channel, mother energy, etc.Qi is the source of all things, and Qi changes infinitely, and Qi determines people's fortunes and misfortunes.

Wealth position: It only affects whether the whole house is prosperous or not. The wealth position can be divided into "symbolic wealth position" and "substantial wealth position". The position of the left or right diagonal of . Residences with different orientations have different "secret wealth positions".

Ba Zhai: It refers to the eight Gua mountains on which the house sits. The Feng Shui theory of the "Ba Zhai School" is to name the house after the eight Gua mountains on which the house sits. For example, if a certain house sits in the noon direction of Zishan, and Zi belongs to Kan in the north, the Kan trigram Guanren, Zi, and Gui three mountains refer to the houses sitting in these three directions, and the houses sitting in these three directions are considered Kan houses.

Wenchang position: Proper placement of the desk can make the mind clear, concentrated and absorbing. This appropriate position is the Wenchang position mentioned in Feng Shui.

Feng Shui has developed into multi-school Feng Shui. Each school of Feng Shui has different theories, which are divided into:

(1) Luantou School: (1) Situation School (2) Image School (3) Xingfa School

(two rational styles:

(1) Bazhai School (2) Numerology School (3) Sanhe School (4) Fan Gua School (5) Flying Star School (6) Five Elements School (7) Xuankong Dagua School (8) Northern Latitude School (9) Nine Star Flying Pai

(10) Qimen Sect (11) Yangzhai Three Essentials Sect (12) Ershisishantou Sect (13) Xingxiu Sect (14) Jinsuoyuguan Sect (15) Bagua Sect





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                • 属鼠的人性格
                • 属牛的人性格
                • 属虎的人性格
                • 属兔的人性格
                • 属龙的人性格
                • 属蛇的人性格
                • 属马的人性格
                • 属羊的人性格
                • 属猴的人性格
                • 属鸡的人性格
                • 属狗的人性格
                • 属猪的人性格
                • 属鼠女
                • 属牛女
                • 属虎女
                • 属兔女
                • 属龙女
                • 属蛇女
                • 属马女
                • 属羊女
                • 属猴女
                • 属鸡女
                • 属狗女
                • 属猪女
                • 属鼠女
                • 属牛女
                • 属虎女
                • 属兔女
                • 属龙女
                • 属蛇女
                • 属马女
                • 属羊女
                • 属猴女
                • 属鸡女
                • 属狗女
                • 属猪女
                • A型型血
                • B型型血
                • AB型型血
                • O型型血
                • 熊猫型型血
                • A型型血女
                • B型型血女
                • AB型型血女
                • O型型血女
                • 熊猫型型血女
                • A型型血男
                • B型型血男
                • AB型型血男
                • O型型血男
                • 熊猫型型血男
                • 由字脸
                • 甲字脸
                • 申字脸
                • 田字脸
                • 同字脸
                • 王字脸
                • 圆字脸
                • 目字脸
                • 用字脸
                • 风字脸
                • 眉毛有痣
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                • 脖子有痣
                • 婚姻线
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                • 生命线
                • 财运线
                • 成功线
                • 上进线
                • 障碍线
                • 健康线
                • 活力线
                • 烦恼线
                • 纵欲线
                • 宠爱线
                • 创作线
                • 希望线
                • 努力线
                • 不测线
                • 人缘线
